Alla scoperta della legge Omnibus: il nostro approccio alla conformitĂ
You can read this article in French or German. La direttiva 2019/2161, comunemente nota come direttiva Omnibus, eÌ unâindicazione dell’Unione Europea volta a rafforzare i diritti dei consumatori e a promuovere una maggiore trasparenza implementando le sanzioni, al fine di far rispettare tali diritti. L’obiettivo principale della legge Omnibus eÌ migliorare la protezione dei diritti dei consumatori […]
Naviguer la loi Omnibus: Notre Approche pour la Conformité
Read the original English article here. La directive 2019/2161, Ă©galement appelĂ©e directive Omnibus, est une directive de l’Union EuropĂ©enne qui vise Ă renforcer les droits des consommateurs en prenant des mesures de sanction pour faire respecter ces droits et en exigeant plus de transparence. L’objectif principal de la loi Omnibus est d’amĂ©liorer la protection des […]
Navigiere die Omnibus-Richtlinie: Unser Ansatz zur Einhaltung der Vorschriften
You can read this article in French or English. Die Richtlinie (EU) 2019/2161, auch bekannt als Omnibus-Direktive, ist eine Gesetz der EuropĂ€ischen Union, dessen Ziel ist, die Verbraucherrechte zu stĂ€rken und eine gröĂere Transparenz zu fördern, indem Sanktionen zur Durchsetzung dieser Rechte eingefĂŒhrt werden. Das Hauptziel der Omnibus-Richtlinie besteht darin, den Verbraucherschutz in der gesamten […]
How Omnibus directive breaches highlight the growing importance of transparent e-commerce practices
This blog post is written in cooperation with, the Polish legal firm. Introduced as part of the EU’s ‘New Deal for Consumers’, the Omnibus Directive is an important piece of European legislation aimed at adapting consumer protection rules to new market realities. Its main objective is to promote ethical business practices and strengthen consumer rights […]
How to calculate a perfect sale price after the Omnibus Directive came into force?
How do you calculate a perfect sale price for your next campaign? Running a sale like Black Friday to boost your product sales is often tempting. Earlier on, previous campaign results and estimated outcomes were enough to make a solid plan for the next sale. You probably used the same approach, most likely, every time. […]
Navigating Automation, Campaigns, and Regulations: Ensuring Fair Pricing Practices
Consumer rights, fair pricing, and fair commercial practices have become prominent topics in recent political discussions. Unfair pricing tactics, especially during campaigns like Black Friday, have raised concerns among consumers. As a retailer or eCommerce business, it is crucial to understand your pricing rights, particularly in light of regulations such as the EU’s Omnibus Directive. […]
Navigating the Omnibus Directive: Our Approach to Compliance
You can read this article in French or German. The Directive (EU) 2019/2161, also known as the Omnibus Directive, is a European Union directive aimed at strengthening consumer rights and promoting greater transparency by implementing sanctions to enforce these rights. The main objective of the Omnibus Directive is to enhance consumer protection rights across the entire European […]
Introducing Market-Specific Price Calculation in Omnibus App
At Pricen, we are committed to continuously improving our apps to meet the evolving needs of our users. We’re excited to introduce a new feature in our Omnibus App designed to enhance pricing information accuracy for our Shopify Markets users: Market-Specific Price Calculation. Understanding the Challenge Shopify Markets serves as a layer between base product […]
Navigering av Omnibus-direktivet: VÄrt tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt för efterlevnad
Du kan Ă€ven lĂ€sa den hĂ€r artikeln pĂ„ engelska, franska eller tyska. Direktivet (EU) 2019/2161, Ă€ven kĂ€nt som PrismĂ€rkningsdirektivet eller Omnibusdirektivet, inför en ny artikel i direktiv 98/6/EG angĂ„ende information till konsumenter om prissĂ€nkning. Information om att priset pĂ„ en produkt har sĂ€nkts ska Ă€ven innehĂ„lla uppgift om det tidigare pris som gĂ€llde före sĂ€nkningen. […]
Omnibus directive, how is it going to change the transparency of pricing in ecommerce?
The Omnibus-directive requires retailers to inform consumers with not only the discounted price or the discount percentage of a product but also the previous price the product has had on sale within the past 30 days.